We’ve gathered insights and action steps from the best of the best to create this MasterClass in Guest Experience.
Whether you have 5 restaurants or 5000, we can seamlessly integrate into your system.
We’ve seen it all. Flashy rollouts that fizzle out. Forgotten training videos because there’s no action plan. Content for employees but no structure or support for managers.
That’s why we’ve built a training system with solutions for each of the positions seen here ———>>>
Rollout Plan Guide
Email Templates
Framework Overview
Tools to create checklists and recipe cards
series of virtual coaching videos
diagnosing tool
training plan and tracker
progress tracker
Video Content on Food Safety and Quality
Video Content on Genuine Hospitality
Video Content on Flow
Broken into learning “chunks”
E-Learning to track completion
Just because its training, doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In fact, we believe the more memorable the training is, the more likely your teams are to remember it.
Here are some samples of the training to show you how we bring a message to life.
If it doesn’t work, don’t waste your team’s time. Every program we build starts with the business result first. If we can’t prove that it moves the needle, we don’t build it.
Here’s a case study of how we increased customer NPS.